LEARNING TO ADAPT CMON, just like GW, have learned that they can get away with treating their market badly. Zombicide: Invader was a test. It provided an eclectic mix of miniatures, some good, more bad, and most average at best. The game itself seemed cobbled together with ranged weapons rendered useless by ‘dark’ (limited light source) rules and over-powered Xenos ‘zombies’ that appeared beside Survivors or attacked from adjacent tiles and were game enders. But nobody seemed that interested in the rules anyway. Well, aside from complaints about the artwork. And the lack of actual zombies. A mining colony where the miners and most colonists had gone missing, allegedly eaten by Xenos that were, somehow, being classified as ‘zombies’. There was some suggestion the Xenos were infected with something that made them into zombies… but the backers weren’t impressed. They kept asking for zombies. CMON ignored them. Some backers even began to refer to the game as ‘Xenocide’. What...